Life through Royce

Greenie Royce was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado and currently resides in Waco, TX. Growing up in the system at the age of 9 while being his little brother and sister's primary care taker was the birth of Royce's Entrepreneurship. Learning how to make money to support himself and siblings while being six years away from being old enough to work a job, Royce was forced to figure out how to create incomes without a job. Custom work, side jobs, reselling, haircutting, and anyway else Royce could manage to bring money was the key to enabling him to break away from the enslavement of punching a clock. By 16 Royce was fully independent with his own apartment and everything else that comes with living. At 18 he figured out how to cover all expenses and live off of his own work and enabled to continue to pour into himself and his dream of his own empire. Being 19 now on his first year out of high school Royce travels for sales and when home he travels to clients and cutting hair, freelance models, resells designers clothing along with shoes and jewelry and is host of this blog page. Royce also offers services as a life coach giving individuals a path to there vision while being held accountable on following it and pours his talent, skills and unbiased opinion on plans and decisions in life with the guarantee of having your best interest at heart. Greenie Royce may not have a degree but he has years of learning and studying on business, economics, and finances along with endless amazing business ideas and experiences to last two lifetimes.